Monday, December 8, 2008
English 3010- Week of 11/23/08
This week in English we talked copy righting and patents and trying to define what it was, what different types of objects has these things and what they mean.
Monday, November 24, 2008
English 3010- Week of 11/16/08
This week in English we talked about the digital natives and immigrants. I thought the discussion was pretty interesting because some of the classmates were talking about how they help their parents out with things on the computer and it made me chuckle because when my mom is on her laptop and she can't figure out how to do something she always calls me so I can help with something. I think my generation was exposed to computers at an early age in schools so we have an advantage in knowing how to do different things on the computer and on these different websites so we get to show our parents how to do different things.
English 3010- Week of 11/9/08
This week in English we talked about the digital natives and immigrants. I thought the discussion was pretty interesting because some of the classmates were talking about how they help their parents out with things on the computer and it made me chuckle because when my mom is on her laptop and she can't figure out how to do something she always calls me so I can help with something. I think my generation was exposed to computers at an early age in schools so we have an advantage in knowing how to do different things on the computer and on these different websites so we get to show our parents how to do different things.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
English 3010- Week of 11/2/08
This week in class we talked about the election, the results, and whether people had the right to NOT vote. People also gave their opinion about what they thought about people who didn't vote because they didn't know enough about the candidates and other things. We also talked about bias again and discussed our topic for paper 2. I'll be glad when we are done with paper 2 so we can stop talking about things thats are bias because it's just getting on my nerves now and gets boring after a while.
Friday, October 31, 2008
English 3010- Week of 10/26/08
This week we finished up the group presentations about bias. I thought that this group project was interesting because I got a chance to find out what radio stations, tv stations, magazines and etc were bias and which were not. Out of this group work we were supposed to get a topic for our next writing assignment in class today (Friday), but we didn't get it since some a** wanted to make a bomb threat and cause State Hall to close for the day. I was interested in the final topic or choice of topics we were going to recieve but I guess we'll have to wait until Monday.
English 3010- Week of 10/19/08
This week in class we started presentations and my group went this week also. The 1st group that went had a long presentation and I think that they really dug deep into what they were looking for and had a good presentation.
English 3010- Week of 10/12/08
This week in class we talked about things that are bias and wrote what they were on the board. We got in our groups, picked a topic out of the hat and my group picked the radio stations that we were going to do.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
English 3010- Week of 10/5/08
This week in English we we're talking about the Vice Pres debate and the Liberal Media article. When I was reading the liberal media articleWhen , I had no idea what they were talking about and it was boring.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
English 3010- Week of 9/28/08
This week in class we did peer editing of each other's papers. I liked the idea of reading other people's papers because I was able to find out what they did their critical analuysis on and how they did their critical analysis. Also I maybe able to point out some errors that they didn't catch on their own and give them some pointers on how to improve their paper. I also like the idea of having more than one person reading my paper for the same reasons because they may catch something that I skipped over and each person may have something different to add.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
English 3010- Week of 9/21/08
This week's reading "Host" was in a very interesting format. I never saw a story like this before with all of the arrows and boxes everywhere mixed all into the story itself. When I first started reading the story I was kinda confused for a minute because I had to stop reading the main body text then make sure that I was following the correct arrow leading to the right box. As I read more of the story I started getting use to the format.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
English 3010- Week of 9/14/08
This week in class we mostly focused/discussed Bartleby and the story to me was kind of boring and it didn't catch my interest. I hope that we have more interesting readings in the future.
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